วันพุธที่ 23 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

3 possible solutions Inconsistency sale

One of the most common questions I hear from new customers is the lack of sales. In many cases, this is really a matter of marketing to sell much more of a problem. One reason for this problem is, many people confuse marketing with sales. This confusion is the source of inconsistencies.

To record direct marketing is to attract potential customers (pseudonym), prospects, or even better qualified prospects to your business. Selling is when youhave qualified potential customers who pass through the specific steps to earn to complete the sale.

Not only is there disagreement in the areas of marketing and sales, but without a plan in many other areas of a company by a total lack of compliance with existing rules and procedures for implementation. If there is a lack of consistency, small and large gaps form, with the result of runoff of small and large profitability.

To avoid inconsistency is hard work and commitment to action. ThisSolution is not in the short term, but one who in life until the organization will be active. These 3 tips can help to detect inconsistencies in a business transaction, as the reverse.

The first suggestion is a new strategy, sales plan, and once again the statement of values. Since inconsistencies observable behavior, then logic suggests the desired behavior must be articulated. These behaviors are in the values statement. If everyone knows, the expectedBehavior, then deal with the gaps between sales and the desired behavior is demonstrated much easier to configure in the vicinity. Coaching Tip: Describe the behavior that, as part of the job.

Tip two is focused on the vision and mission statements. Again, because of confusion about what these two statements creates inconsistency. In short, the vision statement, the overall picture, in which the company or organization is seen in 3 to 5 years. TheThe mission is one year and focuses on measurable objectives 3-5. Allowing the mission conducted by an objective point of view, the conduct must be written directly linked to these objectives. Unfortunately, the majority (over 75%) statements of mission, in my experience are cloudy, very expensive and too long. "They are fertile ground for growing and promoting behavior still inconsistent.

The final proposal included leadership from the basement. Since the leadership is reallywith regard to ensuring the results that will improve personal or organizational, with clearly articulated core values positive, then all members of the organization should be developed to their self leadership, or what some refer to persons or soft skills. Research data continue to support the soft skills of effective collaboration and clear communication, decision making, goals, a positive attitude, problem solving, team building and time management are more criticalSuccess of the company that the technical effect.

From my personal experience and after working with coaching clients business training in the last 10 years, what I know to be true, is dealing with people are less developed than at selling skills. For example, very few people have also trained how to obtain consistent and set their own goals. But should ensure that sales targets. 40-70% of these goals can not be achievedshows that gap.

The bad news is inconsistency Dooms many sales professionals. The good news is that as the operator, owner or manager the opportunity to address this great challenge to have. Take action today to review the programming of the time within the next 30 days to one and two points. Then look at your budget and a plan to develop your employees or for themselves.

By the way, if you think you do not have the money to make this investment a waste of time alone with your employeesIt costs a minimum of $ 750 per employee per year, never, never again. If you increase the competitiveness and their sales, now is the time to act to maintain, because the gap only gets bigger.

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