วันอังคารที่ 29 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Time Management For Home Party Sales Consultants

Time Management Tips

How often do you sit down to work only to notice that you remove the meat from the freezer password for dinner. Go up the stairs and find trash on the ground that the dog eat. We begin to clean it when it rings. The postman delivered a package. It starts to open the package when the phone rings. You decide to work in multi-task and get the laundry folded out of the dryer, while the call is ended. Then lookthe clock and realize you only have 15 minutes before taking the children from school have. To connect quickly and run to find the keys. Then you go by car to kidnap children and carry around for the after-school activities. If sound familiar? This is the downside of the management of your company from home, it is always running in a whirlwind of unproductive activities. At the end of the day you are exhausted and frustrated, but there is nothing for which to show it! Are unhappyand is so your family. It 'time to organize and manage your time better! Here are a few places to start:

Determine how much and when you want to work:

When you build your business work for few hours a week, a plan when you're on a location for the business. If you plan on hiding a bit 'here and there, if you have a few minutes, you begin to work! Every time you sit down to work, your children want your attention is distracted,and in the end nothing will be achieved. If you do 3 mornings a week, in which all children, the school set aside a few hours to two, this payday. For example, every Tuesday and Thursday at 10,00-1,00. What is all the work and do not be distracted during this time.

Time (but no longer do so) schedule your time:

Keep a calendar in the kitchen and always put everything on it! Get all of your children and school projects shouldright on schedule, so no one ends password Show and Tell, or an important area trip.Next Create a weekly schedule of activities that I plan each week and always at a time that will be present every week, even . This includes activities such as planning meals, shopping, activities for children, laundry, cleaning, etc. I am sure that you remember the time allocated to work on the program. Attach a copy of this in addition to the monthly calendar. That helps tremendously, because youis not, as you must try to do everything at once and feel overwhelmed.One the final word of caution: you can not say yes to everything. Pay attention to the calendar in the fall trap! Your children can dance, gymnastics and football, but not all at the same time! Sign up now for one and the other next season. Learn to say no to some extra-curricular events and requests for volunteers. You're not superwoman and is not in the best interest of you or your family to searchto do everything! Remember that children want to unexpected free time is not organized in a flood of activity.

Communicate your calendar for your family:

Make sure that your family always knows the plans. It can be in planning for their support. (You will be surprised if you start taking on some volunteer activities twice a week!) Tell them that on Tuesday and Thursday 10,00-1,00 time you work on your business. Make sure they know that if they hold to helpThis time each week, you have more time for them, because after any interruption to your work and be able to focus on their needs.

Keep the schedule:

Now you must follow your program. Do not try to sneak in work during his time with the family. Give your children lots of uninterrupted one-on-one time. The entire family will notice the difference and understand that they are happier and more open to their needs, now that there are only a few hours uninterrupted time each weektake care of your business. Now we will respect your time and help to keep them, because they know that means more time for them to concentrate on the segment. If you have a better time management, you will do much more! I think you will agree with me that a more efficient use of a happier life!

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