วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 7 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

IRA Management - Maximize your customers with options and move the money and selling Make

If an employee runs with an intact 401 (k) funds can be moved to a separate IRA with fiscal responsibility. While working at the time the accumulation of workers, the goal is growth. Retirement, the goal may be very different, as is the preservation of capital and the increased need for security is more important.

The use of an annuity in an IRA can make your customers, the income needed, safety and security in the desiredStage of their lives. The annuity contract contains a provision as a solution, "which is a table of factors in determining the guaranteed minimum income to be paid, understands. I always contact with the insurance, what their current rates, and show customers zone income as possible.

I also noticed that many people invest in their retirement packages feel thanks to the insurance guarantees that serve this mission. TheConcept, which I used "safe, applicants' income. I tell them they can spend all her money every month, because there again the next few months. The concept of reduction of income that do not help to survive the stress and a sense of security.

It is important that the needs of your prospect ahead of them to understand the recommendations. While the revenues of the security offered, there are situations in which the pension can not tanthe best option. The decision of a board only after a full and thorough fact finder is completed and will be made if a comprehensive understanding will be to understand the needs of customers.

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วันพุธที่ 6 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

How do you deal with a slump in sales of vehicles

Webster defines a recession as "a drop in business." But the crisis is much more than that. People do not like talking much to its negative connotation. It is not something to accept what we do, and it has caused the decline of many best seller. Some of the most common symptoms to look for:

- I am depressed because of lack of activity, less turnover and less earning.s

- You start the desire to go to work, as well as your desire to lose waitCustomers, while you're there.

- Your attitude is negative, which may have a very good people around you.

Finally, each supplier experiences a collapse. How long will the crisis, but will depend on how each salesperson, on his estate. But one thing is certain, that we understand more about how you are, the less likely the chance of being on your career in sales.

I do not think we need to understand how we got into a recession,I do not think that this type of information is prevented from falling into too much. If, for example, illness, laziness, personal problems, and countless others out of your control. Since it is always difficult to prevent a burglary, I will outline some best practices that help you one during your stay.

- Back to the Basics --
The longer you are in this area, the greater the temptation, the links in salesTechnology. Abbreviations can sometimes lead to losing the revenue, a situation that certainly affects the morale and financial position. As soon as you start to rely on themselves, and the next thing you know you're in a crisis situation. Nothing goes your way and you feel very insecure about his ability to sell cars. When you get to this point, return to base.

- It takes more Demo Rides --
Sellers connects their presentation, are oftenDisposal in a demonstration with the customer. But what makes us believe that we can allow customers to sell cars without evidence, that first drive? I remember always so arrogant that I was sometimes all I had to do, the customer thought for a price, and I would sell the car. Not true! They have done all the work of a full-service provider.

- Follow up with past customers --
Follow-up is concerned that the work we do when no customersShowroom. I realize very well that if you're depressed, would you rather spend your free time social gatherings with other vendors and talking with friends on the phone. Instead, use this time to connect with people that the money you made in the past. It will keep your mind on your work, and you can only get lucky and get a referral.

- Walk The Inventory --
Walking the day that you'll have your distributors with all the cars in stock to become familiar. You can alsoto learn the positions of the different model equipped. So when a customer asks for a specially equipped model and color, you know exactly where to find them.

- Talk to as many people as possible --
When we enter a recession, our first response to the residence by the customer. It takes every ounce of effort for us, at our office for fear of rejection, learn to leave. For this barrier, even sitting in your office, unless you make the follow-up plannedcalls. Staying on the ground gives you the opportunity to speak with as many people as possible. How to find people serving customers in the showroom and waiting for their car. Talk to someone who will talk to you so that your partner fears are overcome quickly.

- Change your appearance and mental attitude --
A sloppy personal appearance, low self-esteem and negative attitudes, often accompany depression. The old saying "Misery Loves Company"comes into play. We want to see and hear evil and make our own "pity party." And recruit more people who can help us remain unhappy, the better we like it. If you get in the morning, take a good look in the mirror. This is the person who goes to work with you? Are you really happy with how you look and how you feel? It is in your power to change your appearance and behavior, whenever you want. I have been through conferences and seminars will bethis problem, which pays a person, in general, this type of sedation, because they want it. And the same is there to be true for them. The fact that there are attributes of a positive, exciting, energetic take a seller, you will find that your current composition will change in a short time.

- More exploration or network --
I know you hate to hear that, but for the exploration or network will keep your mind on your business, and maybe you are lucky andSale. You must remember that successful people are so because they put 100% effort in what they do. If you get into a crisis, ask yourself what percentage of your time, you are using a profit, while you're at work. If there is significantly less than 100%, so the chances of earning a decent living is thin. From an average of nine days hours, a seller usually put in about three to four hours of solid work. This leaves a budget of five hours, a part ofthat can be spent on exploration methods. Remember: the more you sit around and feel sorry for you, the less likely to break out of your crisis, and the money you earn less.

- Check out of work habits --
What happens outside of their work environment has a direct effect on your posture. If you think that this is responsible for the crisis, you can check this article:

- Do you have problems with your family? --
If youThe argument with your parents or the wife of a batch, you can transfer to professional life. Often, the concerns of money can work the cause of 'argument, so quickly, so you can do more.

- Do You Get Enough Sleep? --
Like an animal "party" and keeping late hours, perhaps not always the best thing for a business person to succeed. Make sure you have enough sleep so that your body is ready to do a full day of work.

- Are you eating properly? --
Know whatSeller to eat, and we are all guilty of not taking care of our inner self. The idea, "You are what you eat" is not just a quote from a dietician. Choose a sensible program that will provide all the necessary elements for a well balanced diet.

- Are you getting enough exercise? --
Exercise is also important if you want to maintain a healthy mind and body. Try to find a routine you can keep the intake and exercise at least three or four times a week. I like itmy perception of the morning before going to work. Although I am a professional athlete most of my life, I do not want to train. I do it because I, and before I can put behind them, the better I like it. In any case, I'm usually too tired when I get home from work.

- Close with the management --
During this time, do not be afraid, the sales manager. He is there to help you resolve any problems that may impact the business. WhenI was a sales manager, I have always tried to help my sellers get a good image of themselves, the easier it was for them to sell cars, more money than I did. I hope that your boss is the same way!

- Read books Positive Attitude --
I've never been one who liked to read, but I have a high value on the books that find a positive effect on my attitude, and filled me with more enthusiasm. I could read a quote from Zig Ziglar, and would be the stage for the rest of the sentenceDay. I tried to read at least one chapter per day. Then I would write the ideas that interest me more. In this way, it was easy to verify them, if I felt that I needed a little motivation.

- Listen to Motivational Tapes --
Almost every new car model has a cassette deck in their stereo. We use as an entrepreneur is not always, this piece of equipment, such as profitable as possible. If you're on your way to work in a pop group that motivate you,not the best job possible. There are many of them on the market, and for me, if you do a little more motivation, more out of the crisis, is a good compromise.

These are just some of the possibilities that can help you out of a slump, and to increase awareness of the dangers that you get in too. Please note that to have the desire to work more out of the crisis and the ambition of it. "Lip Service" has absolutely nothing to help for your concerns. Not only speak wellGame, you do it.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 4 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

The most important management skills

I teach management and leadership skills for over 10 years of new managers and supervisors, as well as veterans.

I worked with some of today's leaders and management thinkers and scholars such as Tom Peters, Dr. Warren Bennis, Dr. David Ulrich, and Dr. Henry Mintzberg.

I met him, research, and has worked with some of the known leader of today Captain Mike Abrashoff (author of the base and the leadershipthe former commander of the USS Benfold), General Tommy Franks (former commander of the CentComm and author of American Soldier), Sir Richard Branson and Virgin Group.

I have spoken with thousands of employees and looked to see what they wanted - needed - from managers who felt always or always enough.

And, perhaps most importantly, I am a manager. I hire, fire, performance management, coach, cajole, and counseling.

Thanks to my unique collection of experiences, Imy opinion, the stock of great management skills and I like the countdown to this ability to Lettermanesque. You can use the skills I felt, and because I believe that everyone in his own right important to see, but not the most important skill.

# 7 knows what motivates people - an intrinsic motivation, which is, theoretically, you can not motivate someone who does not want to be motivated. While I agree with the managers are effective to draw from a variety of techniquesflatter, encourage, inspire, recognize, and also create some other environment where many people are motivated. They recognize that every human being, through things other than a simple challenge to contribute to something great motivation. They also recognize that what motivates someone tomorrow may, like the one that drives them today to be different.

# 6 Walk Around - The best way to manage - to know what is happening to the credibility that comes only from someone who knows "to be built --E 'regularly and frequently get out there. More and more managers and supervisors, who are isolating themselves to do things - to receive reports, updates, budgets, analysis - which is demanding the upper management. Effective managers know that without the effective performance of their people, all ancillary works for birds. The best way to see what's going on - and be seen - is MBWA, management by wandering around.

# 5 Use the right tools - EffectiveManagers can draw from a treasure chest of tools for one that is most appropriate to exploit the situation. Leadership and management of research in the last 100 years, with a final conclusion, if the answer to come to the question "What is the best way?" The answer is: "is". Depends on the situation, the ability of the leader, the needs of employees and the unique game of the three. Effective managers have an arsenal of tools to createand, above all, must know the capabilities of performance analysis, the use of tools. Coaching, feedback, suggestions, comments, information sharing, self-sacrifice, encouragement and recognition, problem solving, corrective and other options that you can use the effective operator.

# 4 Learn and practice your craft - such as education, to find newest location, which is unprepared for the terrible responsibility. As a parent, the study of managers responsible Crafts and the art of management. While most of us were in management positions because of our technical know-how, encouraged (and to some extent our ability, not on furniture or anyone encounter tick), which has provided us not keep us here. In fact, many of our technical expertise to work against us as managers and executives. Of course, no shortage of books and courses on management and leadership.

# 3 Self-evaluation and, of course, the right - almost all> Error management can no longer ignore an almost conscious decision to reduce the reality of the situation. Ineffective managers and executives rely heavily on hope as a strategy to get through them. Effective managers and leaders welcome - and look - feedback. Effective managers and executives are like rockets, you know that the only way they can reach their goal, if you search for a course feedback and make course corrections is. Effective managers use, stop the Start "Continuous "method of self-assessment, my greater efficiency:

• What should I do that I am not at this time?

• What am I to stop that does not work?

• What should I do because it works?

# 2 Develop Your People - Tom Peters calls the "Job One. Effective managers and supervisors know that they are only as good as the people doing the work. Talented, dedicated people are the # 1 asset of a company. Effectivemanagers and supervisors find ways to develop the talents of their people. Training, coaching, peer tutoring, cross-training, in-job development, online learning, job sharing, and delegation are but a few of the techniques that effective managers use to grow the capabilities of their people. In the process, they foster commitment and increase productivity. Not a bad deal for the investment of time and money.

#1 Provide Regular and Balanced Feedback – While the other skills are important, the most important - and that which the majority of workers constantly ask for more - and feedback. "How good am I?" I conducted a survey of staff recently asked employees for their input on the skills of their leader optimistic about a variety of areas clear expectations for the creation of an environment. Three of the four main areas - the areas that require the utmost attention to employees - relate to feedback:

• provide a specific positiveScan a regular basis.

• Give regular feedback on my work.

• Tell me if you do not meet expectations.

Of the 20 questions posed in the survey, which appeared only in the context of these three feedback - and all three on the list of needed "more."

Regular feedback and balanced, I would say, is the most important management and leadership for a number of reasons:

• employees want. In my 48 yearslive, find out where the most important lesson - Married by management in education in sales to customer service includes - 1), what people want, and 2) that gives them.

• E 'useless. As managers and leaders, much of what we need to provide our employees costs real money. Desks, computers, health insurance, compensation, and so on all cost money. It costs nothing to give feedback in real dollars, while it is required that you give your time to get feedback, to investIt 'just that - an investment that big dividends increased productivity and morale of the staff to place.

• It increases the perception of employees who have as their leader. As General Tommy Franks said: "You can not" manage "a troop of soldiers on a hill under enemy fire, you must lead them." Giving feedback, put yourself in the shoes of a man who knows and who cares. Focusing feedback on the performance of the employee (unlike the person with respect), cement your role as authors.

•Increases performance. The emphasis on performance is the feedback to improve the likelihood that more of your employees' instrumental. Feedback is the difference between a grenade and a guided missile. Grenades in the direction of the door and threw a lot of success of the acquisition, scheduling recording can be reduced. Compare it with the missiles, the initial trajectory is far less important than the constant feedbackreplaced, as to sharpen their aim.

• E 'motivating. Most of the staff - how we want to see in the results of the survey - know how - to do both a positive feedback for development and feedback. The reason is motivating, because most employees want to take a job as effectively and efficiently as possible. With your feedback appropriately formulated, you can create an environment where employees are motivated to perform.

Wait a minute, before rushing offShe says that people are "one or the other" under the pretext of feedback. How to give feedback is important (perhaps even more important) than what you say. Feedback is to be useful, objective, balanced and specific (hubs).

Net - Feedback is one reason and one reason only given - remember to serve the best interests of the worker. You want to help their warm thanks to the employees. Recognize the contribution and potential of employees.

Unbiased - Effective feedbackfocuses on performance and results. It is relatively unbiased. Others observe the behavior or the results that they would comment, I agree with your interpretation. "If you raised her voice is, in part in the group, which considered the entrance," relatively neutral (and actionable); "I'm frustrated with all the rudeness," distorted and exaggerated.

Balanced - Over time, your comments must be compensated. Providing only positive development, or just --The feedback reduces its effectiveness. Note that I'm not saying that you "sandwich" feedback design in a positive feedback, there are times when the technology works, and more if it is less effective. I suggest you provide all employees with a balance of positive reinforcement and feedback for development.

Specific - Effective feedback is specific, so that the worker will face a particular model of development or repeat a particular desired behavior.Feedback blurred, for example, are: "This is an excellent work on this report," is not actionable, because the worker does not know what specific benefits primed to take your positive comments. What should the worker do it again? Whose behavior must be repeated? On the contrary, whose behavior must be stopped? Or could it be otherwise?

Its leader - give your employees what they want and increase productivity and morale of the team.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 3 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

The development of sales of discipline is what it means for you!

In a previous article I asked if the sale is more a skill or a discipline.

My opinion on it: This is about 80% and 20% discipline skills.

Some people took offense to my mind, probably because they want this beautiful work of us to glorify, making it difficult to appear, and then somehow more professional.

But the real difficulty is to make the charge of discipline, which is already proven in millions and millions of transactions for many decadesobtain buy buyer.

For example, it is known that the benefits and features smart practitioner does not sell itself.

The car salesman is not simply push for a hybrid is composed of two types of driving under the hood. She speaks of her entire economy and efficiency, which over the property to add up to a lot of money, especially as gas prices increase.

The seller has learned to say: "This is a hybrid, and here is what it means YOU.

The "meaning" the movement is of paramount importance, not only because it gives the customer the advantage of hearing. This is a call to the seller FAVOR always sell itself, with a feature mentioned.

This is trading with discipline at work. It is not something that we are part of the time: we need to do all the time.

Even the ABC sales, as you probably already know that: Always Be Closing.

It should not something like a> Sales person who is not an end, or an objection that is satisfied, which is led, not followed by a neighbor.

You need to ask for the sale, that the base, and one may not be sufficient.

What makes you ask again?

You've got it: discipline.

Remember the sales staff about its importance, and if you sell yourself, continue to sell, which means that the discipline for you!

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วันเสาร์ที่ 2 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Keep management and sales leads with email marketing integration, and more profit

Many companies, especially small and medium enterprises have accepted with enthusiasm, e-mail marketing. However, e-mail marketing is still a silo-ed as a tool used. Sometimes it is for lead generation by sending e-mail newsletters and offers to sell used, some times it is used only as a tool for follow-up. Tight integration between the two instruments - E-Mail Marketing and Lead Management - help you convert more leads and increase your ROI.

The main reason for thisSilo-ed approach is that there are many built-in tools on the market. However, the situation improved with the arrival of new subscription services (such as LeadPro) with integrated email marketing and lead management capabilities in recent times .

National Data Management Lead

Using an integrated e-mail marketing and sales lead management tool helps to cause the data to a central database for management. Currently, there are two tools /two databases, the data is distributed, and there is no synchronization. All employees in your company can not be based on the same data. The tables of data transfer!

Avoiding Leads slipping through the cracks

The primary purpose of the use of an automated case management tool to prevent the spillage of lead wires and drop the line. If the data between the source database is replaced more, there is a greater chance of clipping through the cracks. Deploymentand the use of an integrated tool helps to eliminate the leadership of loss and improves conversion rates.

The rate of conversion of lead

Using a lead management system with e-mail marketing can be integrated, the percentage will be maintained substantially increased. When you use two discrete systems, cold / heat often leads sometimes fall and never cured.

Exploiting Event Triggered sequential Drip E-mail

Another big advantage of using aLead Management System is integrated to allow the drops in the e-mail-enabled e-mail marketing tool can be used effectively. More complex targeting mechanism of filter can be used to drive the segments specific objective for the continuity of care. For example, the profile properties of lead can be used as a source of lead and demographic data for advanced target marketing.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 1 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Exceptions by New Car Dealer management not to sell more cars

Many times management in a new car dealership is actually a major obstacle for the sale of vehicles, more than the ability or the lack of vendor orders new car or new car. Created by the granting of exemptions by current employees conduct a toxic atmosphere in the bus with the famous Jim Collins accordingly.

For example, the new owners should or with the car dealership to sell more cars. They have a proven sales processPlace. A seller of new cars, with a proven track record is set. He has participated in car sales training for their sales process and therefore does not follow the sales process. This exception is good for business because he sold 6 cars in a week, but has a negative effect on the rest of the field that is still the existing order, but the sales process ineffective use.

Another outstanding example that Ifrequently observed, and actually feel is specific to the conduct of its employees, while sellers of new cars or conduct committed new car is constantly questioned. If the goal is to sell more units, then why is not every co-continuous and consistent with this objective?

It is the financial manager to the manager proactively to all the service of sale? They are doing everything to support the efforts of the seller of new cars? Or are theyCause Behavior, point and you are a deviation from this behavior?

A recent example is when a new car is promised for delivery during the lunch break for a brand new customer. The seller of new cars had to take care of everything to inform all interested parties, including financial management and service manager accepted.

Unfortunately, the Finance Manager has been thought that the lunch was more important to ensure that this new customer was happy.These delays in the service manager and then the customer has promised delivery date has not been done. If they were so happy that the new customers? I do not think so.

The owner of the new car dealership observed this behavior. He accused the Director of Finance, but the performance made an exception, because even if someone is so completely the customer is not taken into account, which would be fired, or at least interrupted.

Performance improvements can not resist exceptions.In fact, exceptions to create a culture of discontent. So if you are a new car dealership owner or general manager of a car dealership, you will need your behavior before you see the behavior of your sales of new cars or new car orders.

PS You may need to see your coaching business training, since this behavior from training to sales.

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